How To Hack Pc Using Remote E-mail Keylogger!
Ever thought how to get someone’s credentials who is out of your network, whom you can not Hack by simply using a payload and listener, then the only method left to spy for his/her credentials is installing a keylogger, and most of the keyloggers available online for remote keylogging are paid. But you can make an email-keylogger using Beelogger for free if you have a Linux or Mac OS system.Beelogeer, an email-keylogger which is an open source tool, can build keyloggers of many types like:
- Adobe Flash update setup file
- Adobe PDF
- Office Word
- Powerpoint PPTX
- Excel Sheet
- Blank executable
it uses some libraries mainly Wine & Python for building the keylogger.
Features :-- It Sends logs each 120 second.
- Sends logs when chars > 50.
- Sends logs only to/with Gmail.
- Some phishing methods are included.
- Multiple sessions disabled.
- Auto persistence.
- “ git clone ”
- cd BeeLogger
- chmod +x
- ./
- it will attempt to install wine, Python libraries and will update and Upgrade your OS.
- Python
Creating the Keylogger
- Type in “python”
- Press “K” to start generating, “U” to update, “Q” to quit.
- It will let you choose an output file format
- Go through the Security alerts clearly
- Disable your Fake Gmail security ( Don’t us your regular Gmail ID)
- check your credentials, and hit “Y” and “Enter”
- it will generate Keylogger in /dist/ folder of beelogger.
- send it to your victim using Social Engineering Techniques.
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